I continue to be amazed at the words spoken and the actions taken by "role models" - whether we chose to look at them as role models or if these people self-selected as role models. I'm referring, of course, to the actions and words of Michael Jordan, Kanye West, and Serena Williams, and others. I can only hope it was a full moon that caused all of them to speak to people in a way that they wouldn't speak to their mothers.
Michael Jordan used his induction into the NBA Hall of Fame as a lashing out at many, many people including former teammates and other players. In particular, he admonished his high school coach for choosing to keep another player on varsity instead of him. Call me crazy, but don't you let high school issues go when you leave high school?
Kanye West rushed the stage and stole the spotlight (again) at an awards show (again) to say that Beyonce should have won an award instead of Taylor Swift. This wasn't the first time that Mr. West decided he was judge and jury on an award. Sure, he apologized to Taylor but she'll never get HER moment back. He took that from her.
Serena? She cursed a line judge and added threats. What about the esteemed senator from South Carolina? He showed no respect for either Mr. Obama nor for the presidency. What about the governor of South Carolina? Did he think he could run off to South America to see his girlfriend and there would be no consequences?
Have we lost all common courtesy in this country? Is it now acceptable to say or do whatever comes to mind and assume there will be no recourse? Actions have consequences but for celebrities and politicians, apparently not.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Sweetest Thing
When you adopt a dog from a shelter, you just never know what you'll get. When we adopted Gigi in June, HSNT told us that her owners were not able to take her to their new home. After spending some time with her, we think she might have lived with an older person, because she is calm and patient and loves to sit near or on us.
With each passing week, we learn a little more about her. Certain words or phrases elicit reactions from her that make us think it's a carryover from her last family. For example, one Sunday morning I walked into the kitchen and said I was going to make pancakes. Gigi ran into the kitchen as fast as she could and sat in front of the stove with her tail wagging. She knew all about the pancakes.
Last night, my husband shared another trait with me. Most afternoons, he listens to music on his computer. About a month ago, he noticed that she reacted to certain instrumental music. She sits on his lap and turns her head to the music and wags her tail. We think that her last family must have shared their love of music with her. Her reaction was so sweet - it truly brought tears to my eyes.
I wonder if she knows how much happiness she brought to our family.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Proper attire required? Apparently not.

Last night, my husband and I went to a local restaurant for dinner. It wasn't quite Morton's, but it wasn't Chili's. The proprietors posted a sign at the front door requiring proper attire. I presumed that most people who would patronize such a restaurant (where dinner for 2 exceeds $100) would honor such a sign. I was WRONG!
I was so surprised by the number of men wearing camo shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops, and ball caps. These weren't just teenagers in such clothing, but adults. One guy was at least 50 - he was wearing a t-shirt that belonged on a college kid, a belt that should have been on a teenager at a skate park, and a hat that didn't belong indoors. It's as if we've all forgotten that we should occasionally break out the long, grown-up pants and shoes with toes before going out.
Don't get me wrong - it wasn't just the men that were dressed inappropriately, but the women, too. Blue jeans, tank tops, and flip-flops, too. This would have been great if we were at the local pub, but we weren't.
Call me old fashioned, but I long for the day when people dressed for the location, the occasion, and their age.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Jon and the Gold Digger Minus Kate and Eight
Okay, I've tried to stay out of the fray with Jon and Kate. I used to watch the show. Who wouldn't watch a show about twin girls and their six siblings? In the beginning, it was entertaining and made me thankful for my own quiet home. I watched as people and companies gifted Jon and Kate with much needed family vacations and toys - things they probably couldn't do on their own.
I also watched as Kate became increasingly tougher on Jon. I started feeling like she was picking on him, emasculating him on national television. Well, friends, I believe that pendulum is starting to swing the other way. What we, the viewing public, may not have seen was that Jon was the 9th child in that house. Although he (apparently) willingly married young and immediately fathered eight kids, he seemed immature and his latest antics just confirm it.
I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on tv, but I would think any lawyer worth his weight in salt would advise his client going through a very public divorce to keep the new gold-digging child girlfriend out of the limelight. The attorney might even suggest that his client maintain a low profile himself. But Jon? Jon's attorney must not be saying much because in recent months, Jon has pierced his ears (nice), held court with the Paparazzi in his driveway, said he was "excited" about this next chapter in his life (as a single man), and flaunted his 22 year old girlfriend all over St. Tropez.
And the girlfriend? She is the daughter of a surgeon who, as a favor to his wife, performed a tummy tuck on Kate. Mrs. Glassman was such a fan of the show she invited Kate to recuperate for a week at her home. Now the young daughter is playing with the older, married (yes, honey, he's still married) Jon in front of every tabloid camera in the world. Let's not forget she's now sporting some super-tacky skull diamond ring. I'm sure she wouldn't be so interested in him if there wasn't some money in his pocket.
Hey, Jon....you have eight kids at home. You don't need this one- she'll cost you more than the other eight combined.
I also watched as Kate became increasingly tougher on Jon. I started feeling like she was picking on him, emasculating him on national television. Well, friends, I believe that pendulum is starting to swing the other way. What we, the viewing public, may not have seen was that Jon was the 9th child in that house. Although he (apparently) willingly married young and immediately fathered eight kids, he seemed immature and his latest antics just confirm it.
I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on tv, but I would think any lawyer worth his weight in salt would advise his client going through a very public divorce to keep the new gold-digging child girlfriend out of the limelight. The attorney might even suggest that his client maintain a low profile himself. But Jon? Jon's attorney must not be saying much because in recent months, Jon has pierced his ears (nice), held court with the Paparazzi in his driveway, said he was "excited" about this next chapter in his life (as a single man), and flaunted his 22 year old girlfriend all over St. Tropez.
And the girlfriend? She is the daughter of a surgeon who, as a favor to his wife, performed a tummy tuck on Kate. Mrs. Glassman was such a fan of the show she invited Kate to recuperate for a week at her home. Now the young daughter is playing with the older, married (yes, honey, he's still married) Jon in front of every tabloid camera in the world. Let's not forget she's now sporting some super-tacky skull diamond ring. I'm sure she wouldn't be so interested in him if there wasn't some money in his pocket.
Hey, Jon....you have eight kids at home. You don't need this one- she'll cost you more than the other eight combined.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sheila Jackson Lee - Ready for Her Close-Up

Growing up in Houston, I was used to seeing Sheila Jackson Lee everywhere. During her time on Houston City Council, she was always yearning for attention. My mom used to say that the most dangerous place to be is between Sheila Jackson Lee and a camera.
So, it should come as no surprise that the congresswoman from Houston was on the stage at the Michael Jackson Memorial touting her as yet to be passed resolution honoring the King of Pop. She paraded on stage at this memorial in a white suit. Way to show respect, Congresswoman. She then brought forth the framed resolution to honor Michael Jackson's contributions to society. Huh? What did he do for the people in her district? In her city? Not a damn thing. This was just another example of Congresswoman Lee taking an opportunity to put herself in front of a camera.
Congresswoman Lee should put herself behind a desk instead and concentrate on the more important matters at hand like the economy or health care or funding this ridiculous war. For that matter, pick up an etiquette book and read the chapter about appropriate attire for a funeral.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Unwanted
In the last 5 months, we have adopted two dogs from the Humane Society of North Texas. We first adopted Rose in February; she was only 6 weeks old. She didn't know hardship or that she wasn't wanted. All that she knew was that she was tired and cold and tiny. We brought her home and she has flourished. But each day, I wonder if her mom, two sisters, and her brother found good homes. I know they were all adopted - I just hope they're loved.
About a month ago, we (okay - I) decided that Rose needed a friend so we adopted Gigi. She's approximately three years old. We don't know why she ended up at the shelter. We were told her people couldn't take her wherever they were going. She's a good dog - very sweet and loving and playful. She's finally learning to trust us and that we won't be taking her back to the shelter.
I know that people fall on hard times and they can barely feed their families, much less their pets. But so many others just get tired of their pets and "put them out" wherever it is convenient. Or they take them to a shelter. Or they just move on and don't give these pets a second thought. I've often wondered how these people would react if someone did that to them - just got bored and dropped them off. Pets are not accessories, nor are they things that can be discarded. Pets are part of the family, until death do you part.
Friday, July 3, 2009
A new blogger hits the web
The web has enough bloggers - more than enough. But I have thoughts and opinions and ideas and want to share them with anyone willing to read them. I've recently started following a couple of blogs on a regular basis and am enthralled with the comings and goings of these strangers. I hope people will think the same thing about my blog.
I think the title of my blog is pretty descriptive - Out of Sync. That's how I feel a lot of days. It's not a negative feeling - just a feeling. Remember high school? You were a jock or a nerd or a stoner or a cool kid. What if you were out of sync with all of those groups? Where did you fit? That's how I feel today. Am I a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat? I'm a newlywed at age 40 when most of my friends were newlyweds in their 20's and 30's. So who do we hang out with - the newlyweds who think we're fossils or the people our age who have kids and wonder why we don't? It seems life is all about fitting in, so I want to explore what it's like to just be.
I think the title of my blog is pretty descriptive - Out of Sync. That's how I feel a lot of days. It's not a negative feeling - just a feeling. Remember high school? You were a jock or a nerd or a stoner or a cool kid. What if you were out of sync with all of those groups? Where did you fit? That's how I feel today. Am I a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat? I'm a newlywed at age 40 when most of my friends were newlyweds in their 20's and 30's. So who do we hang out with - the newlyweds who think we're fossils or the people our age who have kids and wonder why we don't? It seems life is all about fitting in, so I want to explore what it's like to just be.
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